Support the people

By supporting Sanakvo, you’re not only helping people in need to provide access to clean water, but you’re also supporting a more sustainable future.

Thank you!

You can contribute to our Water from Air project via Paypal or the QR code above. Bank account bellow.

PayPal link

Join our efforts

Where your money goes

Donated money is used to organize efficient support wordlwide and installation of water from air units where it’s needed most helping billions people in need.

How to help

Other ways to contribute

There are many ways for individuals and organizations to support Sanakvo’s mission of providing clean drinking water to communities in need.

Financial contributions

One way to help is by making a financial contribution to Sanakvo, which can help fund the production and installation of our water from air solution.

Bank account no. (CHF)
IBAN: CH31 0026 3263 1005 3701 J


Bank account no. (EUR)
IBAN: CH95 0026 3263 1005 37M1 K

Spreading the word

Individuals can get involved by volunteering with Sanakvo in terms of spreading the word about our work to help raise the awareness of a possible solution – water from air from Sanakvo.

Other support

We also welcome any further cooperation in the areas of expertise, technical support, decreased pricing of water units production, administration, grants, etc.

Sanakvo foundation

We are proud to our contributors

With a 1 000 CHF donation you become a pioneer donor. Get your spot at our donor board.

Mr. and Mrs. Andereggen Carmen and Franz

Mr. and Mrs. Andereggen Klaus and Juliane

Mr. and Mrs. Zenklusen Arthur and Josefine

Dr. med. Theytaz Maurice (†)

Mr. Dr. Yax Patrick

Mr. Dr. rer.nat. Bumann Peter

Mr. Beuschel Wolfgang

Mr. Dr. Julen René

Mrs. Dr. Porten Maria

Mr. Dr. Meyer Hans-Peter

Mrs. Hofmann Elke

Mr. Prof. Hermann Roland

Mrs. Hagen Laura

Mrs. Gutzwiler Marianne (†)

Mrs. Gutzwiler Ivonne

Mr. Gutzwiler Hugo (†)

Mr. Gutzwiler Daniel

Mr. Dr. Guntern Robert

Mrs. Makino-Grögler Eriko

Mr. Giger Walther

Mrs. Anliker Hanna

Mr. Dr. dent. Feller Martin

Mr. Dr. med. Evéquoz Dominique

Mrs. Dr. Dora Valeria

Mr. and Mrs. Escher Siegfried and Marianne

Mr. and Mrs. Willa Rainer and Agnes

Mr. and Mrs. Ferrario-Pereira Beat and Lisa

Mr. Tinschert Andreas

Mr. Dr. med. Blumenthal René

Mr. and Mrs. Orglmeister Gunthard and Elisabeth

Get in touch

If you have any questions about Sanakvo, water from air or contribution, let us know via email or contact form.

They thank you for your help!

Get in touch

If you have any questions about Sanakvo, water from air or contribution, let us know via email or contact form.

They thank you for your help!